meta task to collect all tasks that are needed to better support annotation workflows with MITK (especialy for NCT ISSO Annotation tasks)
Event Timeline
Currently, at the IMSI lab, the most important subtasks in the T29157 task for us in the coming weeks are: T29158, T29159, T29160 and T29161.
I have updated the requirements document which can be accessed here: A new column titled "Priority", lists the requirements which are needed for the next iteration.
The tasks T29158, T29159, T29160 and T29161, cover all of the requirements which are needed at the moment.
A preliminary date for which we would prefer for the requirements to be fulfilled is: 1st July, 2022.
Starting from 1st July, 2022 we will have a new HiWi student working on the annotation of the human HSI data. For that purpose, it would be ideal to have the "Needed" requirements within the next iteration of MITK. So that the annotation process can be started on the MITK platform.
This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.