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2023 Week 20 (Mid May)
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rMITK1d180fddf849: Merge branch 'master' into develop
rMITK0e2d28a3f276: Add MxN to Default build configuration
rMITK21d64291924c: First label explicitly added to empty group is invisible (collapse and expand…
rMITK9633c125eca2: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29593-FixViewNavigatorFont' into develop
rMITKd2a189e393c2: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29592-Remove3DRegionGrowingFromUserGUide' into develop
rMITK9601e96afb19: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29589-SyncGUIToAddOrSubtractMode' into develop
rMITK69c105b655f8: Fix crash when switching groups on loaded multi-group segmentations
rMITKf70df965d5a2: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29589-FixQtIncompatibility' into develop
rMITK4b856630dcaa: T29572 Fixed Tool_interation_multi_dpi_monitor
rMITKac10e1a62bb6: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29598-FixCrashInMovieMaker' into develop
rMITK52aa94dd36f3: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29599-DisableVigraRandomForestTestOnMacOS' into develop
rMITK08700ad1179b: Fix crash in binary threshold tools
rMITK20e7deaa9239: Merge branch 'bugfix/T28277-DeleteRemnantsOfInputDevices' into develop
rMITK1dd5c937dd5a: Disable segmentation tools if segmentation is empty
rMITKd9f6ca2f596d: Automatically set .json file ending for MxN layout files
rMITK41d11b884ad5: [Segmentation/IO] Fix several crashes with empty groups
rMITKb9b52cd3df9d: Semantic change of nnUNet as nnU-Net v1
rMITK4486a4f62b3f: T29577 Fixed otsu error with multiple groups and underlying problem (label set…
rMITK94437d6ea124: TotalSegmentator Minor UI bug fix
rMITK9b76b183ed6e: Improve Segmentation user guide regarding label classes and instances
rMITKb8a6c48b3f0c: Anticipatory Totalsegmentator urllib dependency pinning
rMITKee896456c91d: Merge branch 'feature/T29522-SegmentationTaskListUserGuide' into develop
T28277: Empty Preferences page "Input Devices"
T29522: Write user guide and file format specification of Segmentation Task Lists
T29566: TotalSegmentator GUI bug: Install button not Activated correctly
T29567: TotalSeg: inferencing issue on MacOS
T29568: [MxN] Add MxN MultiWidget to workbench release configuration
T29571: [Segmentation] Changing groups on loaded multi-group segmentations crash
T29572: [SEG] Tool interaction does not work on multi montor setup with different dpi
T29573: [Segmentation] Segmentation without label (only empty Group 0) cannot be saved
T29575: [Segmentation] Threshold tool crashes when new label is created during preview
T29576: [Segmentation] First label explicitly added to empty group is invisible (collapse and expand parent to make it visible)
T29577: [Segmentation] Otsu tool does not create and transfer label names correctly in added groups
T29585: [MxN] Loading layout needs .json file ending
T29589: [Segmentation] [Lasso] Add/subtract not in sync with radio buttons in GUI
T29592: [Segmentation] 3D Region Growing still mentioned in user guide
T29593: [View Navigator] Use themed font
T29598: [Movie Maker] Fix crash on Linux when recording video
T29599: Disable mitkVigraRandomForestTest on macOS
T29601: [Segmentation] Revise Segmentation View user guide
T29602: [Segmentation] Tools crash on empty segmentations

Event Timeline

kislinsk triaged this task as Normal priority.May 16 2023, 11:29 AM
kislinsk created this task.

Pushed new branch to rMITK MITK: release/T29605-2023-Week-20.

Merge commitRevisionTask(s)
rMITKee896456T29522: Write user guide and file format specification of Segmentation Task Lists
rMITKb8a6c48b{D837}T29567: TotalSeg: inferencing issue on MacOS
rMITK9b76b183{D832}T29601: [Segmentation] Revise Segmentation View user guide
rMITK94437d6e{D836}T29566: TotalSegmentator GUI bug: Install button not Activated correctly
rMITK4486a4f6{D829}T29577: [Segmentation] Otsu tool does not create and transfer label names correctly in added groups
rMITK41d11b88{D828}T29573: [Segmentation] Segmentation without label (only empty Group 0) cannot be saved
rMITKd9f6ca2f{D830}T29585: [MxN] Loading layout needs .json file ending
rMITK1dd5c937{D833}T29602: [Segmentation] Tools crash on empty segmentations
rMITK20e7deaaT28277: Empty Preferences page "Input Devices"
rMITK08700ad1{D827}T29575: [Segmentation] Threshold tool crashes when new label is created during preview
rMITK52aa94ddT29599: Disable mitkVigraRandomForestTest on macOS
rMITKac10e1a6T29598: [Movie Maker] Fix crash on Linux when recording video
rMITK4b856630{D825}T29572: [SEG] Tool interaction does not work on multi montor setup with different dpi
rMITKf70df965T29589: [Segmentation] [Lasso] Add/subtract not in sync with radio buttons in GUI
rMITK69c105b6{D824}T29571: [Segmentation] Changing groups on loaded multi-group segmentations crash
rMITK9601e96aT29589: [Segmentation] [Lasso] Add/subtract not in sync with radio buttons in GUI
rMITKd2a189e3T29592: [Segmentation] 3D Region Growing still mentioned in user guide
rMITK9633c125T29593: [View Navigator] Use themed font
rMITK21d64291{D826}T29576: [Segmentation] First label explicitly added to empty group is invisible (collapse and expand parent to make it visible)
rMITK0e2d28a3{D823}T29568: [MxN] Add MxN MultiWidget to workbench release configuration

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: release/T29605-2023-Week-20.