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Jun 27 2018
Jun 27 2018
kislinsk changed the status of T2629: Decide about geometry handling for individual data types, a subtask of T2130: Solve scene serialization, from Spite to Invalid.
kislinsk changed the status of T10014: Stochastic fiber tracking does not work, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Spite to Invalid.
kislinsk changed the status of T10018: Region growing is not working, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Spite to Invalid.
kislinsk changed the status of T10273: mitkDiffusion crashes when manipulating the LevelWindow, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Spite to Invalid.
kislinsk changed the status of T7998: "Active" Flags in properties cause trouble, a subtask of T7659: Only visible/active objects are saved via save mitk project, from Invalid to Spite.
kislinsk changed the status of T9813: Data Display toolbar button should be disabled in certain application states, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Invalid to Spite.
kislinsk changed the status of T9947: Bram: Angaben, welche Art von Daten benötigt, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Invalid to Spite.
kislinsk changed the status of T9988: Planar Figure in "PV Analysis" stays visible after it has been deleted, a subtask of T9995: MITK Diffusion 2011 Bugfixrelease, from Invalid to Spite.
kislinsk reopened T18648: MITK Workbench crashes during startup with Qt 5.4 on Mac, a subtask of T18856: Throw CMake error in case of Mac OS X and Qt 5, as Open.