Test will/should be reactivated till 11th of July.
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Aug 2 2016
To debug the problem use the machine mbi022 (Michael B.)
I´ll have a look on Wednesday...
and will keep you updated.
unfortunately miktkPackageTest still fails on two MacOS clients...
Who is the (new) DICOM-officer?
[f63d87]: Merge branch 'bug-12122-adaptDocumentation'
Merged commits:
2012-06-05 13:35:52 Ingmar Gergel [71c5b9]
adapted supported platforms for Linux and Windows
Starting with clean binary folder did not solve the problem.
Can this client be deactivated?
Installer was successfully build and tested on Win7 x64 systems (\\ad\fs\E130-Projekte\NaviBroncho\Versuche\Heilversuch2012\NaviBronchoInstallerMunich.rar).
Attached patch is not required any longer, as all relevant changes were pushed in the bug branch.
- fixed with commit "T8900 fixed - correct number of tracking fiducials are stored in the xml file"
patch for synchronic logging of two logger widgets
- fixed virtual camera flipping by correcting the view up vector according to the used EM sensor
open bugs:
new open bugs:
patch for synchronic logging of two logger widgets
Tests still fail on all nightly dart clients.
Tests do not fail on all nightly clients anymore.
mitkProjectTemplatePackageTest still fails on several machines.
First fixes are committed in bug branch "bug-10925-Linux-fixes".
But, there are still some more major errors...
still failing on several machines:
Taking a look at mbimac08, I found out that the build started to fail on 5th of June, before that no openCV related errors occurred.
there still is a problem with openCV and MacOS:
MITK-data and CTK are no longer checkout in the nightly builds. They are downloaded as tarballs. With this workaround the problem does not occur anymore.
still no solution found...
the problem has been solved with commit b158f5 in T8753#c8
[511776]: Merge branch 'bug-8954-update_cmake_minimum_required_version'
[66416d]: Merge branch 'bug-8760-superbuildoptionsMITK'
[99c586]: Merge branch 'bug-8446-PortIGTToolPairNavigation'
[eb2518]: Merge branch 'bug-8450-ConvertNAvPlayerToCTK'
[8e701e]: Merge branch 'bug-8446-PortToolPairNavigation'
@Thomas: could you talk with Sascha about how to link a different system OpenCV version to the dart client.
[b902e4]: Merge branch 'bug-8020-RenameVideoInputVariable'
First duplicate anchor was removed.
[560d59]: Merge branch 'bug-8012-DuplicateAnchorsInDoxygen'
[ce8329]: Merge branch 'bug-8012-DuplicateAnchorsInDoxygen'
External MITK documentation is now properly build.
[ee39f1]: Merge branch 'bug-8012-DuplicateAnchorsInDoxygen'
waiting for next nightly documentation dart client to see if the error is fixed.
Since the "active" flag has been removed the bug has no effect anymore.
[66a9be]: Merge branch 'bug-7928-NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializerT
Merged commits:
2011-04-20 16:23:51 Ingmar Gergel [207155]
COMP. deactivating NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializerTest
[15dcbc]: Merge branch 'bug-7928-NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializerT
Merged commits:
2011-04-26 08:21:55 Ingmar Gergel [e90168]
COMP: trigger continuous client - once more...
[cb62d6]: Merge branch 'bug-7928-NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializerT
Merged commits:
2011-04-21 18:43:32 Ingmar Gergel [61155d]
COMP: trigger continuous client
fixed again
XML output is still incorrect.
The output is now plain xml without any cvs lines in it but the each entry is repeatedly added.
[186dad]: Merge branch 'bug-7862-NavigationDataRecorderXMLproblem'
Tested on several images...
The problem does not occur anymore, probably solved with T7998.
[9cd576]: Merge branch 'bug-7452-LabeledImageToSurfaceFilterTest'
Wrong link...
here is the correct one:
Test failed t pass n the continuus client.
See http://cdash.mitk.org/testDetails.php?test=1235300&build=15281
It seems as if the loaded DICOM image does not full fill the required specifications...
Test still fails on the continuous client during mitk::Equal()