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SSL Problems with XNAT Plugin connecting to HTTPS server adress
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In the Preferences -> XNAT Connection put a HTTPS adress in server adress field, user name and password.
Click Connect button.

Then the connection is failed because of some ssl problems and shown in the console.

Event Timeline

A Workaround might be:

  • Download latest openssl
  • Put the DLL-files into the bin-folder of Qt (MyPath: "C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\msvc2013_64_opengl\bin")

This is a deliberate decision of the Qt team due to import/export restrictions regarding OpenSSL to some parts of the world, see We might consider deploying OpenSSL with our installers.

I added a find package openssl to the CMakeLists.txt of the xnat plugin. If openssl can not be automatically found (which is likely for windows), you can set LIB_EAY_RELEASE to your libeay32.dll and SSL_EAY_RELEASE to your ssleay32.dll and they will be automatically:

  1. copied to you binary directory
  2. copied to the installer directory if an installer is build

This way it should be easier to create an installer featuring the xnat plugin on windows. (I assume that openssl will be available on most *nix installs anyway )

Might also be of interest to @wald @gaehlert @metzger