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- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (446 w, 1 d)
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Aug 2 2016
We opened an issue in CTK github:
[f4d7c5]: Merge branch 'bug-18432-SegmentationUtilitiesImageMaskingCrashesWhenCh
Merged commits:
2014-11-26 16:21:00 Jan Zieher [56050c]
Check If maskImage is Null
[327baa]: Merge branch 'bug-18437-TypoInStatisticsToolbox'
Merged commits:
2015-01-07 16:26:50 Jan Zieher [efbefa]
changed intesity to intensity in all files
[593946]: Merge branch 'bug-18334-MITKHompageLinkOnWelcomeScreenIsDead'
Merged commits:
2015-01-07 15:03:29 Jan Zieher [e27103]
Now the page loads in the qwebview
[299098]: Merge branch 'bug-18334-MITKHompageLinkOnWelcomeScreenIsDead'
Merged commits:
2015-01-28 15:42:25 Jan Zieher [433451]
ifdefs are not needed anymore because qwebkit package dependency
Welcome View uses javascript to generate links.
It's not possible to start external application in js like the default browser to display the homepage. Active X would be needed.
[e4c13f]: Merge branch 'bug-18324-ViewNavigatorCategoryHeadingsShouldBeBigger'
Merged commits:
2014-12-05 12:13:46 Jan Zieher [d07535]
Fontsize of categories changed from 10 to 12
Added line between views and workflows
if you only create one 2d-segmentation slice, activate volumerendering for that and scroll away from that slice, you can't see a volumerendered plane but rather some dotted line artifacts instead
[9e3b71]: Merge branch 'bug-18232-SegmantionUtilitiesMorphologicalButton'
Merged commits:
2014-10-15 15:26:22 Jan Zieher [b64f6f]
renamed button Dilatation -> Dilation
Couldn't reproduce the bug. Seems to be solved or can you explain the steps to trigger the bug.
Successfully tested for Windows 7 64 Bit and Ubuntu 14.04 64 Bit without any execution errors.
Mac OS Test is still outstanding. After completion this bug can be closed.
This is a known problem. It has been already discussed. If you select a measurement, a node will be created in the Data Manager. This node waits for the input (e.g. draw circle in the picture). Before this action isn't done by the user, all measurement options are disabled, which also causes that you can't deselect the current measurement.
Still an other problem exists:
Steps to reproduce the problem:
Couldn't reproduce the bug. Seems to be solved.
Doesn't occur anymore