Diffusion MITK 4ae412d0db43

2023 Week 48 (Very Late November)


2023 Week 48 (Very Late November)

The following - possibly updated - changelog can be viewed as formatted
article at https://phabricator.mitk.org/w/mitk/changelog/2023.48/.

🛠 Third-party dependency changes


✨ New features

  • Build system
    • MITK is now compatible with the latest version 17.8 of Visual Studio 2022

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Segmentation
    • Fixed several crashes in some edge cases of segmentation group handling
    • Made message boxes for segmentation group deletion more clear and explicit
    • Segment Anything segmentation tool now works for all view directions of a 2-d images
  • Point set interaction
    • Fixed selection glitch of points in close proximity to other points
  • Image statistics
    • Fixed potential crash with line profiles based on open planar figures exceeding the bounds of an image
  • DICOM inspector
    • Fixed initial data selection glitch

🔥 API-breaking changes


IMPORTANT: Make sure to also read the mitk::PropertyList deserialization section below!

We added two pure virtual methods to the mitk::BaseProperty class for JSON serialization, that must be implemented in all derived classes:

  • bool ToJSON(nlohmann::json& j) const
  • bool FromJSON(const nlohmann::json& j)

See the documentation of these methods for important implementation hints.

You find plenty of example impementations in our code base for all existing property classes. Here is the implementation for mitk::StringProperty:

JSON (de)serialization of mitk::StringProperty
bool mitk::StringProperty::ToJSON(nlohmann::json& j) const
  j = this->GetValueAsString();
  return true;

bool mitk::StringProperty::FromJSON(const nlohmann::json& j)
  return true;

If you have more complex types (that can be default-constructed) you certainly want to utilize the arbitrary type conversions feature of the JSON for Modern C++ library by implementing all the (de)serialization logic in void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const <my_type>&) and void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, <my_type>&) functions, located in the same namespace as your type.
This reduces the implementation of the mitk::BaseProperty methods mentioned above to the same two-liners as shown in the example for mitk::StringProperty. Here is the implementation for itk::RGBPixel<>, which is used as value type in mitk::ColorProperty (typedef itk::RGBPixel<float> Color):

itk::RGBPixel<> type conversion for JSON (de)serialization
namespace itk
  template <typename TComponent>
  void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const RGBPixel<TComponent>& c)
    j = nlohmann::json::array();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

  template <typename TComponent>
  void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, RGBPixel<TComponent>& c)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

Now, the JSON (de)serialization implementation of mitk::ColorProperty boils down to:

JSON (de)serialization of mitk::ColorProperty
bool mitk::ColorProperty::ToJSON(nlohmann::json& j) const
  j = this->GetColor();
  return true;

bool mitk::ColorProperty::FromJSON(const nlohmann::json& j)
  return true;
NOTE: If (de)serialization of your property class does not make any sense, i. e. for cases like mitk::SmartPointerProperty, simply return false from these methods.

mitk::PropertyList deserialization

Property lists can now be (de)serialized in JSON format as well.
However, the deserialization needs to know upfront which property type is tied to the type names found in the JSON representation.

In addition to the To/FromJSON() method implementations mentioned above, you also need to register your property type for that purpose with the mitk::IPropertyDeserialization core service:

Register property types for the JSON deserialization of mitk::PropertyList
mitk::CoreServicePointer<mitk::IPropertyDeserialization> service(mitk::CoreServices::GetPropertyDeserialization());

NOTE: The perfect location for this registration code is the Load() method of your module activator (see MitkCoreActivator for an example).


kislinskAuthored on Nov 30 2023, 11:00 AM
kislinskPushed on Nov 30 2023, 11:03 AM
rMITK22173bffdaea: T30287-DICOM_inspector_init
rMITKe5401e929755: 2023 Week 46 (Mid November)
tag: snapshots/2023-11-30

Merged Changes

This commit merges a very large number of changes. Only the first 50 are shown.