- vtk coordinate differences, 2D Overlays are "stuck"
- NevertranslucentTexture deleted, image transparency is not working properly
• kolbch | |
Mar 31 2015, 11:20 PM |
F252211: prototype.tar.gz | |
Mar 10 2017, 1:01 PM |
Restricted Differential Revision |
Status | Assigned | Task | ||
Resolved | kislinsk | T18922 Change VTK rendering backend to OpenGL2 | ||
Wontfix | None | T23294 Create a working QML example using the OpenGL2 backend |
Report from the users list
We saw that the branch T18922-OpenGLBackend2-kislinsk-2 was using OpenGL2, so we built this branch and used it in our application. Everything is working fine, except for one thing: planar figures are not displayed. Control points are displayed as they are defined, but they disappear right away, and the polyline is not displayed.
Removed GLEW, VMTK, and SOFA in the branch T18922-OpenGL2Backend-Final. Will upgrade to VTK 8.
@kolbch Did you adapt the LegacyGL module as it is still used? What about the rendering tests?
There are still some mappers deriving from GLMapper. But I don't know if/where they are used. Maybe in MITK-MBI?
In the Viewport tests, PlanarFigures are not rendered in the correct position. I will have a look...
Had to fix a few remaining parsing errors (commented unsused parameters were interpreted as unmatched end of comments). Successfully ran rendering tests. Merged into master. Continuous dartclients run from scratch at the moment.
Rendering tests on our Windows continuous dart clients don't work anymore. Probably because "modern" OpenGL is not supported. Typical test outputs:
ERROR: In D:\dc\bin\ep\src\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL2\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 653 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000000002E401F0): failed to get wglChoosePixelFormatARB ERROR: In D:\dc\bin\ep\src\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL2\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 737 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000000002E401F0): failed to get valid pixel format. ERROR: In D:\dc\bin\ep\src\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL2\vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 816 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000000002E401F0): GLEW could not be initialized. ERROR: In D:\dc\bin\ep\src\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL2\vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 1858 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000000002E401F0): Hardware does not support the number of textures defined.
Had to remove OpenViewCore and QmlItems modules. These modules are not compatible to the OpenGL2 backend. GLEW and QOpenGLFunctions are incompatible as well.
Equal problems for our Ubuntu continuous dart client:
ERROR: In /home/mbiuser/mitkdc/MITK-sb-R-c/ep/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkTextureObject.cxx, line 1627 vtkTextureObject (0x24ae6f0): Failed to determine texture parameters. IF=0 F=6408 T=5121 ERROR: In /home/mbiuser/mitkdc/MITK-sb-R-c/ep/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx, line 424 vtkShaderProgram (0x24b0fc0): 0:39(12): error: extension `GL_EXT_gpu_shader4' unsupported in fragment shader
GLSL __VERSION__ is 120.
@kislinsk @kolbch @goerres : This change looks very relevant to me as I am currently using those modules in an external project.
Did you look a little into this incompatibility and could elaborate a bit? Did you have a deeper look into what work would be required to get those modules working again? Any of your insights would be welcome.. (be it just for future reference in case I or anybody need to get a Qml example working with a current version of MITK)
Hey Daniel, no worries. It wasn't meant to be banned from MITK. I even had to remove my baby MITK Simulation to get things up and running again in short time. Our resources are too limited at the moment to work on these kind of things but we're happy for any contributions that enable us to reactivate these modules. I didn't spent much time to find an alternative solution so you might be able to fix this quickly. The basic problem is that you can't include QOpenGLFunctions after you included GLEW but the otherway around didn't work, too. So the solution probably is to find a way to either include both, or to implement the feature with only one of these technologies. Any contribution is highly appreciated.
T23294: Create a working QML example using the OpenGL2 backend
Hey Daniel, no worries. It wasn't meant to be banned from MITK. I even had to remove my baby MITK Simulation to get things up and running
Thanks for this information, this might become very helpful! And no worries, I do not have Qml baby feelings anymore ;-)
I hope I'll be able to allocate some time to contribute to T23294 soon.