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- Mentioned Here
- rMITKd5fbcf0ecedd: Merge branch 'master' into develop
rMITKd2d4b0885eeb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'luzpaz/bugfix/lgtm-duplicate-html-class' into…
rMITK9ff0e8ac23bb: Merge branch 'develop' into typos/modules-core
rMITKc31c2f02247e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'luzpaz/typos/modules-core' into bugfix/T29293…
rMITKdfba04a168c2: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29293-FixTypos' into develop
rMITKe91794e34de4: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29296-FixCrashWhenClearingTaskListSelection' into develop
rMITKd4ce642978a6: Merge branch 'bugfix/T27578-RemoveTCPWrappersDependency' into develop
rMITK802ed4cd6b79: Made tool manager sensitive to the visibility of the reference image
rMITK46bc8f473d61: Initialize render windows individually
rMITKcc1edae351e2: Remove unused interaction files
rMITK26df569787e2: Fix typos
rMITKea18963576a0: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29305-FixGDCMIssues' into develop
rMITK0c57d7ad6218: Remove unused QmitkSelectableGLWidget
rMITK2eee153e5804: Merge remote-tracking branch 'maleike/fix-status-bar-updates' into develop
rMITKe36380da1e5f: Update the status bar correctly
rMITKe4d0b1591a17: Use plane geometries as render window crosshair
rMITKe5f00365d075: T29078-Fix_erase_tool
rMITKe7d267f68790: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into bugfix/T29318…
rMITK1f6ec651fa54: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29318-SegmentationToolIconsAndCursors' into develop
rMITKf1cbd59fd1e3: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29318-DeleteObsoleteResources' into develop
rMITK41b48461198b: T28767-Improve_performance_of_paint_and_wipe
rMITKf6b7afa5f4a1: Remove output from changing livewire points
rMITK7b8c4c8af97d: Remove duplicated UpdateStatusBar logic
rMITK59c72d935751: Merge branch 'develop' into arcpatch-D722
rMITKa01053ad3faa: Render window specific geometry comparison
rMITK5526efb9500a: Optimization of the mxnmultiwidget
T19470: Cleanup DisplayInteractor
T25043: Remove pixel informations from the statusbar and put it into views
T25105: UpdateStatusBar duplicates business logic
T26376: Segmentation plugin does not work correctly with the new mxn multi widget
T26496: [mxn multi widget] Re-initializations reset all render windows
T27578: 2021.1 Linux installer does not work on Fedora
T28145: SetRegionTool does not work as expected (flood fill like) with concentric structures.
T28180: [Segmentation] Showing a previously hidden reference image requires a reinit
T28578: [mxn multi widget] Optimization of the mxn multi widget
T28762: [Interaction] Remove deprecated / unused interaction files
T28763: [Multilabel Segmentation] Fill / Erase tool does not fully respect multiple labels
T29078: [Segmentation] Erase tool has unclear edge cases
T29132: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Define desired behavior of fill / erase tool
T29219: StatusBar / mouse scrolling is broken
T29265: QmitkSelectableGLWidget is not used anymore and can be removed
T29293: Fix typos in Core module documentation
T29296: Crash when clearing the segmentation task list selection
T29305: Fix GDCM Globals issue with many MITK binaries
T29306: [Segmentation] Provide Close tool (behavior of old Fill tool)
T29318: Polish segmentation tool icons and cursors
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Pushed new branch to rMITK MITK: release/T29327-2022-Week-40.