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[1fe370]: Merge branch 'bug-15748-cmakelist-changes'
Merged commits:
2013-07-31 11:38:33 Michael Bauer [738c94]
COMP: changed error into warning to proceed
New remote branch pushed: bug-15748-cmakelist-changes
[1933dc]: Merge branch 'bug-15748-change-cmakelist-of-dicom-plugin'
Merged commits:
2013-07-31 10:30:39 Michael Bauer [63d398]
Change variable to DCMTK_STORESCP
Avoid find_program
Sorry this close was a mistake!
Solved the problem with reinit.
The following link provides the tutorial for step 09.
The following link didn't provide the site yesterdy but it does today.
If the site is available tomorrow i would suggest to close the bug.
It doesn't crash but throws an (Access violation - no RTTI data) exception wich is caught during closing project.
[59d0cb]: Merge branch 'bug-13393-avoid-event-handler-to-load-folder-twice'
Merged commits:
2012-10-10 16:45:32 Michael Bauer [4fbe11]
avoided EventHandler to iterate over the dicom folder another time. DicomSeriesReader::GetSeries()
won't be called anymore. Now LoadDicomSeries() is called directly with a list of
all files from the series provided due event properies.
New remote branch pushed: bug-13102-document-dicom-plugin
Havn't pushed yet.
[a36fff]: Merge branch 'bug-13102-document-dicom-plugin'
Merged commits:
2013-01-16 17:03:58 Michael Bauer [759a9e]
first finished dicom documantation
[d70faf]: Merge branch 'bug-13021-dicom-does-not-delete-temporary-files'
Merged commits:
2012-10-26 16:08:45 Michael Bauer [957976]
made several changes to avoid unwanted deletes but
still remove temporary dicom files if you close the dicom plugin.
- unique temp dicom folder
- check whether the dicom folder was created correctly before removing
- only QmitkDicomDirectoryListener removes files
We can close this one. The problem woun't appear any more while importing from hard disk. But if you retrieve over network, two progress dialogs will appear after another. One for transfer over network to file system, another for transfer from file system into dicom database. I cosider to do an implementation for mitkProgressBar wich allows cancelations and replace the current implementation.
[ef67c6]: Merge branch 'bug-12966-multible-progress-dialogs'
Merged commits:
2012-08-31 17:25:55 Michael Bauer [8578a3]
Initialize render windows. Global reinit is no longer needed
Fixed by reinit.
[756748]: Merge branch 'bug-12842-StorescpStartupImprovements'
Merged commits:
2012-08-21 13:40:42 Michael Bauer [da9fa6]
Connect new listener and storescp functionality in dicom editor
[38c85a]: Merge branch 'bug-12781-startStoreSCPLinux'
Merged commits:
2012-08-02 11:34:22 Michael Bauer [c9320a]
Corrected access tho the binary file for linux and windows
[3eaee3]: Merge branch 'bug-12780-segfaultsOnLinux'
Merged commits:
2012-08-02 11:46:23 Michael Bauer [c748b5]
Reloading the libCTKDICOMCore will load the load the ctkDICOMCore lib
which includes the static dcmtk libs that are used in the org.mitk.gui.qt.dicom plugin.
The problem is that dcmtk is a static library which is loaded by mitk and ctk. Dcmtk uses some static variables. The static variables memory allocation isn't well defined and on diffrent os the behavior is different. In mitk startup the static dcmtk library is loaded several times and the gnu compiler tries to map the static variables. This leads to segfaults.
[0cd8c1]: Merge branch 'bug-12719-ProgressdialogAndIcons'
Merged commits:
2012-07-24 19:04:48 Michael Bauer [8c66b9]
removed tabs
[467849]: Merge branch 'bug-12679-ChangeLicenseHeader'
Merged commits:
2012-07-19 12:00:27 Michael Bauer [d4befc]
changed licence header
Working on a solution with cmake find_program().
[37a1e7]: Merge branch 'bug-12484-storescp-for-linux'
Merged commits:
2012-07-13 13:02:36 Michael Bauer [ca483d]
changed and renamed method from SetPathToStoreSCP() to FindPathToStoreSCP().
The method will now search for the storescp in bin directory of mitk and
if it isn't found there it will use the DCMTK-install/bin directory.
[8163a3]: Merge branch 'bug-12454-mitk-crash-when-dicom-plugin-off'
Merged commits:
2012-07-09 16:47:16 Michael Bauer [1f0264]
If dicom plugin is switched of in cmake it won't appear in the worckbench anymore.
Working on a Solution based on cmake find_program() write the binary path into a configuration file and read in the path.
Wrong bug description.
This bug should delete the dicom entry from the FileMenu
[6097b9]: Merge branch 'bug-12447-storescp-for-linux'
Merged commits:
2012-07-06 17:31:09 Michael Bauer [6a6782]
No Dicom entry in FileMenu
[bf1870]: Merge branch 'bug-12235-integrate-dicom-plugin'
Merged commits:
2012-07-03 19:12:23 Michael Bauer [6ea650]
tabulator fix
[f19ca3]: Merge branch 'bug-12235-integrate-dicom-plugin'
Merged commits:
2012-07-05 17:01:40 Michael Bauer [cb3488]
COMP: fixed dashboard
Succesfully integrated branches
After adding set(QT_USE_QTSQL 1) in CMaleList.txt the problem was solved.
Added test case to branch. This test tries to load a DICOM file with missing PatientPosition (and also missing image data). Still this test should not crash.
fixed by comment initialization in SegmentationView. Now the crosshair will stay at its position if the selection of the segmentation changes.
[2ffba7]: Merge branch 'bug-11045-Rotation-of-crosshair-if-segmantation-selectio
Merged commits:
2012-02-22 14:41:25 Michael Bauer [fcf201]
fixed bug-11045 by uncomment reinit of views
Integrated ctkEeventBus
Completed to a working query retrieve functionality
[f4d93d]: Merge branch 'bug-10832-Threshold-Tool-range-1-0'
Merged commits:
2012-02-29 17:23:32 Michael Bauer [b2f3fb]
fixed bug for thresholdingtool on float images with a range from 0.0 to 1.0
The issue was that the value compared to the threshold was casted with '(singned)' in line 269 or so. And this is actually 'signed int' and so all values were casted to 0. The fix was to remove the cast.
[443b01]: Merge branch 'bug-10488-PixelValueOnStatusBarWithSegmentationRebased'
Merged commits:
2013-04-15 12:59:11 Michael Bauer [9b56fa]
Implemented new method GetTopLayerNode to calculate the highest layer image in the
DataStorage which isn't a helper object and returns it. This method is used in ExecuteAction.
Fixed in HandleCrosshairPositionEventDelayed() in QmitkStdMultiWidget wich is called after mitkSliceNavigatorController. Now if you click on a binary image it searches for source images of the binary image. If there is a source image the image information of the source image will be displayed in the status bar otherwise the image information of the binary image will be displayed.
The testing description is added to the list. In my oppinion it's sufficiant to test the whole szenario.
Ok I added the binary image stuff to SliceNavigationController as well and pushed it onto remote branch.
New remote branch pushed: bug-10488-PixelValueOnStatusBarWithSegmentationRebased
Changed events in connection from trigger to toggle.
There are still problems remaining:
-deselect if triggered when planar figure is checked does not work.
-delete new node in datamanager if the planar figure is deselected.