User Details
- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (449 w, 3 d)
- Roles
- Disabled
Aug 2 2016
Loaded Surface (Clipping plane) is not recognized by vtk Picker, since the correct mapper is not loaded for it,
if an additional binary image is loaded the mapper is initialized.
Why the surface picking fails is still unclear.
[cf4a56]: Merge branch 'bug-18014-ToolInteractionTests'
Merged commits:
2014-08-20 16:18:14 Moritz Petry [043212]
updated MITK-Data hash
[e02842]: Merge branch 'bug-18014-ToolInteractionTests'
Merged commits:
2014-08-27 14:39:42 Moritz Petry [e65f56]
COMP: disabled interaction tests if rendering tests are not enabled
patch with current changes
patch with current changes
Error FODC0002 in file:///home/petry/Bugsquashing/debug/MITK-build/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.viewnavigator/documentation/UserManual/html/index.qhp, at line 11, column 14: Opening and ending tag mismatch.
[9b882c]: Merge branch 'bug-17987-EnableDisableMbiLog'
Merged commits:
2014-08-28 14:07:00 Moritz Petry [ff8fc1]
removed macro defines and changed return value of Disable-/EnableBackends to void
QHP File causing Error
patch with current changes
patch with current changes
[fba8e6]: Merge branch 'bug-17973-MiniAppsXMLIntegration'
Merged commits:
2014-08-12 10:52:26 Moritz Petry [06b46f]
Updated some new miniapps to the new standard. Added documentation for new
methods in the command line parser.
[012c5b]: Merge branch 'bug-17961-ResamplingMiniApp'
Merged commits:
2014-08-06 14:17:19 Moritz Petry [f8ffc8]
added method to resample dwi using a new spacing
[cfa8cd]: Merge branch 'bug-17707-NLMCorruptedOutput'
Merged commits:
2014-04-10 13:57:48 Moritz Petry [c5dcde]
Corrected calculation of ROI when a mask is used to denoise an image.
[ea1558]: Merge branch 'bug-17699-WarningByEmptyStreamlineOutput'
Merged commits:
2014-04-09 17:04:12 Moritz Petry [2cfbd5]
Added warning, when no fiber was generated.
Tested with MacOSX 10.8 and no long loading period has been noticed.
[bacb86]: Merge branch 'bug-17531-CorrectionOfNLMeans'
Merged commits:
2014-04-10 17:06:50 Moritz Petry [aaece2]
COMP: deleted typename
[abea6f]: Merge branch 'bug-17531-CorrectionOfNLMeans'
Merged commits:
2014-04-10 16:40:15 Moritz Petry [ab95d4]
Changed MITK-Data
[355de7]: Merge branch 'bug-17441-NonLocalMeansDenoisingTest'
Merged commits:
2014-03-10 13:42:44 Moritz Petry [6f0c5f]
Included new testdata ind MITK-Data.
[91fb99]: Merge branch 'bug-17441-NonLocalMeansDenoisingTest'
Merged commits:
2014-03-10 15:12:45 Moritz Petry [d93007]
Nonlocalmeans test as module test.
[4895ee]: Merge branch 'bug-17371-CorrectionOfWeightCalculation'
Merged commits:
2014-03-03 12:00:35 Moritz Petry [730221]
Implemented missing exceptionhandling.
[85d76f]: Merge branch 'bug-17302-DwiGaussFilter'
Merged commits:
2014-02-24 11:46:02 Moritz Petry [a1e3ad]
Minor changes to fix GUI behavior.
Sorry my fault.
Set up mitkEqualTest using CppUnitTests.
(In reply to Moritz Petry from comment #0)
Change the actual mitkEqualTest using CppUnit.
[9c92a3]: Merge branch 'bug-17246-IntegrationBranchMitkEqualTest'
Merged commits:
2014-03-07 14:57:44 Moritz Petry [da5170]
Changed testbehaviour using CPPUNIT macros not MITK_ASSERT.
[8d3944]: Merge branch 'bug-17223-CorrectionOfNLMr'
Merged commits:
2014-02-17 13:02:04 Moritz Petry [8c8f7e]
Changed calculation of NLM and changed standard parameter for denoising in the denoisingview.
[804251]: Merge branch 'bug-16828-ImplementaionOfDenoisingMiniApp'
Merged commits:
2014-02-17 11:49:46 Moritz Petry [4b9fa5]
Deleted unused includes etc.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16828-ImplementaionOfDenoisingMiniApp
New remote branch pushed: bug-16828-DwiDenoisingMiniApp
New remote branch pushed: bug-16611-CoronalIsCalledFrontal
[8226b1]: Merge branch 'bug-16604-LevelWindowLineEditDocuAndTooltip'
Merged commits:
2014-09-24 15:56:34 Moritz Petry [3f0f8f]
tooltip changed
New remote branch pushed: bug-16478-NonLocalMeansGPUAcceleration
New remote branch pushed: bug-16466-LiveWireCauseMITKToCrash
[9f920f]: Merge branch 'bug-16466-LiveWireCauseMITKToCrash'
Merged commits:
2013-11-27 15:18:45 Moritz Petry [d9a264]
Added check whether clicked point is in picture or not. If a point outside
the picture is clicked, it is not handled.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16267-ImplementationOfNLMrFilter
[684d18]: Merge branch 'bug-16267-ImplementationOfNLMrFilter'
Merged commits:
2014-01-14 11:51:45 Moritz Petry [a41db6]
Avoided itk Neighborhooditerators to increase speed of the NLMr.
[886fb0]: Merge branch 'bug-16267-ImplementationOfNLMrFilter'
Merged commits:
2014-01-14 13:35:33 Moritz Petry [9d5eab]
COMP Removed typename out of non tamplate class and changed pow(int, int) to pow(double, int)
New remote branch pushed: bug-16266-ImplementationOfDenoisingView
[7e59c7]: Merge branch 'bug-16158-AvoidDoubleSignalEnvocation'
Merged commits:
2013-11-21 14:07:45 Moritz Petry [4ecc18]
last corrections
I recognized there is a memory leak in the QmitkHistogramJSWidget, which is probably a bug of the Qt Web Kit.
fixed by T17525
Could not be reproduced.
Probably fixed with T16158.
[70675e]: Merge branch 'bug-14706-ImageStatisticsUserManual'
Merged commits:
2013-03-12 14:43:16 Moritz Petry [7e09f8]
update of usermanual and screenshot
Remove JavaScript files for tested highcharts histogram
[9faf96]: Merge branch 'bug-14691-RemoveHighChartsArtifacts'
Merged commits:
2013-03-11 15:08:55 Moritz Petry [a992ee]
removed highcharts artifacts
Solved with T13430 - Setting up Histogram to JavaScript
New remote branch pushed: bug-14387-AddVolumeCalculaterTest
[a2c69d]: Merge branch 'bug-14317-ResamplingToSpecificSpacing'
Merged commits:
2013-01-29 10:40:41 Moritz Petry [91cb9f]
implemented min &max value for spinboxes
New remote branch pushed: bug-14317-ResamplingToSpecificSpacing
Bug occurs only by switching to the segmentationview.
Node changes to current picture when you activate segmentationview and when you activate the measurement view again the node still holds the image, not the line as expected.
[70bfff]: Merge branch 'bug-13793-DocuForRegionGrowing'
Merged commits:
2014-05-28 15:51:04 Moritz Petry [c616a8]
added documentation for QmitkAdaptiveRegionGrowingToolGUI and AdaptiveRegionGrowingTool
[c7e891]: Merge branch 'bug-13796-AboutDialogLink'
Merged commits:
2012-12-19 16:02:17 Moritz Petry [cf6634]
Changed link
New remote branch pushed: bug-13796-AboutDialogLink
now all errormessages are shown in the ErrorMessageLabel
New remote branch pushed: bug-13607-PrintErrormessageToErrormessagelabel
[8490b0]: Merge branch 'bug-13582-HistogramBarchartErroneousByIgnoreZeroValuedVo
Merged commits:
2012-11-28 16:25:45 Moritz Petry [95c140]
Checks now if there is a mask in use, or if method is only called by the use of
"Ignore zero-valued voxels".
Using ignore zero-valued voxels should not change the histogram, but it is useful to change the number of bins by laying a mask over the image.
New remote branch pushed: bug-13582-HistogramBarchartErroneousByIgnoreZeroValuedVoxels
When statistics are calculated for a simple image the number of bins is set to 768 in mitkImageStatisticsCalculator in the method InternalCalculateStatisticsUnmasked.
If the checkbox "ignore zero-valued voxels" is selected the method InternalCalculateStatisticsMasked is called, where the number of bins is set to 384, which is the reason for the change in the histogram.
To have an equal histogram, the bin size has to be the same. It should be discussed how to solve this problem.
New remote branch pushed: bug-13430-SettingUpHistogramToJavaScript
New remote branch pushed: bug-13430-SettingUpHistogramToJavaScriptIntegration
[904a3b]: Merge branch 'bug-13430-JavaScriptHistogrammWithoutWS'
Merged commits:
2013-03-11 10:24:43 Moritz Petry [787fb0]
update tooltip
[7cffa2]: Merge branch 'bug-13242-FiberBundleClippingAdjusting'
Merged commits:
2014-05-21 14:37:04 Moritz Petry [a98a43]
Fixed update of fiber thickness using mouse wheel on slider.
[fd702e]: Merge branch 'bug-13171-hardCodedHistogramBoundaries'
Merged commits:
2012-09-20 13:40:11 Moritz Petry [636a30]
Fixed hard coded histogram boundaries
[b82262]: Merge branch 'bug-13160-DisableEditingInStatisticsTableWidget'
Merged commits:
2014-05-21 16:15:03 Moritz Petry [503067]
Disabled editing of items in statistics table widget.
Duplicate of bug-9100-Improve test of NavigationDataEvaluationFilter?
reopen bug, because exceptionhandling should be implemented
[5b0ab7]: Merge branch 'bug-11601-ImageStaticBundleCrashesOnIntroducingUninitial
Merged commits:
2012-11-08 13:04:27 Moritz Petry [f6e160]
Exceptionhandling implemented. m_ErrorMessageLabel in QmitkStatisticsView shows
now ExceptionMessage.
Testes on Win, Mac and Linux and could not be reproduced.