User Details
- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 6 d)
- Roles
- Disabled
Aug 2 2016
With the 3M3 Demo images the Symmetric Forces Demon Registration does not work because the used images have different modalities. The Symmetric Forces Demon Registration works only with the "mean square difference" metric which is only usable for images with equal modalities. This is the reason why the registration result with different modalities is incorrect. We changed the documentation of the Registration Class and will close the Bug.
I don't know... Timo did it.
[SVN revision 21463]
FIX (#3373): using selectionservice, fixed layout, seedpoints always above image
fixed all points mentioned in above post,
except code cleaning up.
[SVN revision 21494]
FIX (#3373): fixed layout
[SVN revision 20685]
FIX (#3118): removed error message when selecting a surface in the data manager
[SVN revision 20801]
DOC (#3117): Corrected documentation for the Volume Visualization bundle
[SVN revision 20345]
FIX (#3019): added icon for perspective and view
[SVN revision 20363]
FIX (#3014): Volume rendering works only for 3D images now.
[SVN revision 20347]
FIX (#3002): removed debug message
[SVN revision 20369]
FIX (#3002): new lymphnode binary segmentation image node is now visible
[SVN revision 20255]
FIX (#3001): new lymph node is selected after creation
ok, I tested the selection provider. It working right. My bug was segmentation specific.
[SVN revision 20224]
FIX (#2991): change icon of the Volume Visualization bundle/ perspective
I tested it again, and there is no crashing
[SVN revision 20115]
FIX (#2940): added painter.restore
App crash no more
I can't replicate the crash.
Can you please give more informations?
[SVN revision 19984]
FIX (#2887): added .h files for load and save transferfunctions
[SVN revision 19983]
FIX (#2869): added GPU checkbox / added software rendering fallback
[SVN revision 20082]
FIX (#2860): delete VolumeVisualizationPerspective in plugin.xml in the volumevisualization bundle
[SVN revision 19917]
ENH (#2860): added perspective for Volume Visualization Bundle
app crashes when selecting perspective.
[SVN revision 19868]
ENH (#2834): QMitkExt now depends on qxt, added qxtslider to TransferFunctionwidget
I tested it again and it crashs if you click :
[SVN revision 19901]
ENH (#2834): QxtSpanSlider is added -> histograms now update respectively / slider ends can not overlap / end points of transferfunctions are now movable with keyboard
[SVN revision 19916]
FIX (#2788): workaround for disabled tools
QmitkToolSelectionBox::SetGUIEnabledAccordingToToolManagerState() is responsible for activating the widget completely or not.
We implemented the selection provider for the segmentation bundle now,
and he should send the new selection,
added presets for bones,heart,MR,bonesWithGradient to the MITK internal preset list.
in progress
lod now again useable with GPUVolumeMapper3D / toggleable with
"volumerendering.uselod" bool property
Group boxes are eliminated/ removed more space in ui
removed imageselector / using blueberry selection service /
[SVN revision 20626]
FIX (#2733): removed debug message
[SVN revision 19849]
ENH (#2733): added tooltips
[SVN revision 20081]
ENH (#2733): additional to SVN revision 19994 the last word in filename is also cutting-off when the size > 20
[SVN revision 19842]
ENH (#2733): added tooltips
[SVN revision 19949]
ENH (#2733): TransferFunctionGeneratorWidget has a minimum size now.
[SVN revision 20232]
ENH (#2733): if no image is selected a red demand: "Select an image!" is displayed
[SVN revision 20233]
ENH (#2733): QLineEdits have the maximum size. Now they are Linux compatible
[SVN revision 19994]
ENH (#2733): if the filename size > 20 the middlepart is cutting-out when you load/ save transferfunctions
[SVN revision 19878]
ENH (#2733): While volumenrendering checkbox is uninitiated, all other widgets are greyed out
[SVN revision 20301]
ENH (#2733): If you click on the cross, the bell is wider now
[SVN revision 19739]
CHG (#2733): moved title into transferfunction widgets
[SVN revision 19792]
ENH (#2733): added tooltips / fixed info line / added support for new mitkTransferFunction preset
[SVN revision 20628]
FIX (#2727): added new presets/ gpu defaults to on / lod defaults to off
[SVN revision 19791]
ENH (#2727): added MR_GENERIC internal MITK preset
next commit:
implemented selection provider for segmentation view,
[SVN revision 19923]
ENH (#2707): implemented selection provider
[SVN revision 19906]
FIX (#2685): fixed important warnings
[SVN revision 20625]
ENH (#2681): completed manual
[SVN revision 20609]
ENH (#2681): added manifest and first version of VolumeVisualization.dox
I work on it
I don't have the time to do this till my practical here is finish. And I think its not very important in the moment.
Change Request
[SVN revision 19137]
CHG (#2462): removed debug messages
[SVN revision 19136]
CHG (#2462): reduced memory requirements of gpu volume texture mapper
The MITK testing macros are added, but timesteps are still missing.
I think I will not have the time to do this in my practical (the next 2 weeks).
change request
the test uses MITK testing macros now. Testing with timesteps is still missing
Commiting patch
[SVN revision 21373]
FIX (#2191): consistent naming in levelwindow / removal of default range min/max
is implemented in 3M3