User Details
- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 4 d)
Apr 19 2018
I was testing these changes with an Aurora device with the following configurations:
Added a patch for mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp. The only changes necessary were in the DiscoverWiredTools() method. The implementation of the NDI protocol was not 100% correct. The PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle) method has to be called two times (one time per channel). Subsequently, PHSR(ALL, &portHandle) is called to retrieve all port handles.
Jun 9 2017
Sep 20 2016
Aug 2 2016
Flag can be set to configure onlyValidDataRecording on/off. Data of one timestep is only recorded if all inputs are valid. As soon as one is invalid this timestep is skipped.
New test files for 16 channels
New test files for 16 channels
Added a branch and pull request of my current workaround:
Callstack after crash
I am currently working on the following branch: bug-18713-UIsupportForOpenIGTLinkTrackingDevices
Added a pull request on github
Created a pull request in Github
[c814d3]: Merge branch 'bug-18440-ImageNameStillWrittenInTheMeasurementView'
Merged commits:
2014-11-19 18:12:03 Martin Klemm [ced2b1]
Reset the selected image label in the measurement view every time the selection is changed and no node is selected
Is anyone still working on this?
From my point of view we can close it. I do not have anything to commit to this bug anymore.
Set locale to C before reading. Reset after reading.
We did not know what the expected behaviour is exactly. But in mitkImageStatisticsCalculator the following lines look suspicious:
This bug only occurs on Martin Klemm's system (Ubuntu 14.04 with ClassicGnome, i7, GeForce GTX 465/PCIe/SSE2).
Tested it on two other Linux PCs and one Windows PC.
The error occurs in mitkSlicedGeometry3D::PreSetSpacing() when the spacing is checked for being positive. It is not positive because the geometry, the spacing is calculated from, holds a zero matrix. We could not figure out where the geometry comes from.
The sphere object, that holds the geometry (most probably) is created in QmitkNavigationDataPlayerView::CreatePipeline().
The problem was that tinyXML read the values from the logfile in a wrong way because the locale of the system was set to German. TinyXML expected commas but got points. Then it cut the string before the point and therefore returned wrong values. After changing the system locale to English the error did not occur anymore.
It is also possible to reproduce this by adding to single tools.
I forgot to say that I used the Polaris system to test this.
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and could not reproduce this behaviour. It worked properly.
[bc222c]: Merge branch 'bug-17907-NeglectedIconAttributeInTheExtensionPointOfThe
Merged commits:
2014-11-12 15:58:27 Martin Klemm [a53122]
Context menu action can be initialized with icon attribute via the extension point
Patch file
The patch file contains the changes that were necessary to include the icon in the menu action. It was tested under Windows 7.
The transfer function is serialized using tinyXML. If the locale is not set properly and the system locale is not English the reading and writing of data is incorrect. Setting the locale before reading and writing data probably solves this problem.
Also check T19195 to be able to set different render window names
To reproduce this error perform the following steps:
[bb6a34]: Merge branch 'bug-13971-VolumeVisualizationToolTipsWereMissingOrIncorr
Merged commits:
2014-11-12 17:54:36 Martin Klemm [3ab3fd]
Added and corrected tooltips in Volume Visualization Plugin
Writing messages to the mbi-log is thread-safe. The registration/unregistration of backends is not thread-safe, as explained above. To make it thread safe you have to add a mutex lock to the backend list. The problem is that the mbilog-module has no dependencies so far (and shall not get any). Therefore, we cannot use the ITK mutex.