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MITK (v2022.04)Milestone

Recent Activity

May 17 2023

kislinsk closed T26413: Nifti2 support, a subtask of T27437: Migrate MITK to use ITK 5.x , as Wontfix.
May 17 2023, 3:01 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)

Oct 29 2022

kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Deleted branch from rMPT MITK-ProjectTemplate: release/T29138-v2022.10.

Oct 29 2022, 1:10 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Pushed new branch to rMPT MITK-ProjectTemplate: release/T29138-v2022.10.

Oct 29 2022, 12:46 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)

Aug 15 2022

kalali removed a parent task for T27437: Migrate MITK to use ITK 5.x : T28275: [Segmentation] AdaptiveRegionGrowingTool must be refactored / 4D Segmentation returns error message when point is not on the correct timestep.
Aug 15 2022, 9:40 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)

Jun 7 2022

kislinsk added a comment to T28274: [Volume Visualization] Volume Rendering for 4D images does only work on timestep 0 or not at all.

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: bugfix/T28274-volumerendering-multiple-timesteps.

Jun 7 2022, 2:34 PM · Restricted Project, MITK (v2022.04), Request for Discussion

Apr 29 2022

kislinsk archived MITK (v2022.04).
Apr 29 2022, 1:41 PM
kislinsk closed T29138: MITK v2022.04 as Resolved.
Apr 29 2022, 1:32 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Deleted branch from rMPT MITK-ProjectTemplate: release/T29138-v2022.04.

Apr 29 2022, 1:29 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: release/T29138-v2022.04.

Apr 29 2022, 1:28 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
floca closed T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails, a subtask of T29138: MITK v2022.04, as Resolved.
Apr 29 2022, 1:28 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
floca closed T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails as Resolved by committing rMITK96f1a439a5f0: Fixed T29143.
Apr 29 2022, 1:28 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
floca closed T27435: [Registration] Mapper does not properly support LabelSetImages as Resolved by committing rMITK245fd479b821: Fixed T27435.
Apr 29 2022, 1:27 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
floca edited projects for T27435: [Registration] Mapper does not properly support LabelSetImages, added: MITK (v2022.04); removed MITK (v2021.02).

for now we solved it by adding the support in the mapping helper as outlined above. Some sophisticated like services we did not so far.

Apr 29 2022, 8:34 AM · MITK (v2022.04)

Apr 27 2022

a178n added a comment to T29088: [Checklist] 3D Segmentation - Checklist and MITK UI Inconsistencies.

Added :)

Apr 27 2022, 10:48 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
floca added a comment to T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

Thank you for spotting that. It is not expected behavior. But I would keep as is (known issue). 1) I think it is acceptable and 2) to handle this properly and not hacky, would be very intrusive and take 1 day. I would prefer to do it when the AutoTool classes will be merged and refined anyways, then it is an quite easy catch.
@kislinsk What do you think?

Apr 27 2022, 12:05 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
s434n added a comment to T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

I was able to reproduce the problem on the snapshot from two days ago. This new version fixes the problem for me, although the behavior is the same as @kalali described it. The newly created segmentation is a complete copy of the current one (including layers, labels, and masked regions of the labels), except for the changed region that was just segmented. I'm not sure if this is the expected behavior, but if it is everything seems to work fine.

Apr 27 2022, 11:58 AM · MITK (v2022.04)
kalali added a comment to T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

I cannot reproduce the crash with the related branch!

Apr 27 2022, 11:13 AM · MITK (v2022.04)
floca added a comment to T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

Pushed new branch to rMITK MITK: bugfix/T29143-Crash_when_storing_auto_tool_preview_in_new_seg.

Apr 27 2022, 10:53 AM · MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk raised the priority of T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails from High to Unbreak Now!.
Apr 27 2022, 10:16 AM · MITK (v2022.04)

Apr 26 2022

kislinsk added a comment to T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

damn I know the reason. At least I have made a telling exception. 😅

Apr 26 2022, 10:07 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a subtask for T29138: MITK v2022.04: T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.
Apr 26 2022, 10:04 PM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a parent task for T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails: T29138: MITK v2022.04.
Apr 26 2022, 10:04 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
kalali merged Restricted Maniphest Task into T28207: MITK DicomBrowser q/r Retrieve part crash.
Apr 26 2022, 5:49 PM · MITK, Checklist
kalali renamed T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails from [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a to [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.
Apr 26 2022, 5:44 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
floca claimed T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails.

damn I know the reason. At least I have made a telling exception. 😅

Apr 26 2022, 5:37 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
kalali triaged T29143: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Creating a segmentation "as new segmentation" fails as High priority.
Apr 26 2022, 5:32 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
kalali added a comment to T28493: Multilabel color map colors are not very nice.
Apr 26 2022, 4:58 PM · Checklist, Request for Discussion, MITK (v2022.04)
kalali added a comment to T28811: [Volume Visualization] [UX] Missing labels for dropdowns.

I updated the Checklist "Volume Visualization_EN.docx" accordingly.

Apr 26 2022, 4:34 PM · Breaking Change, MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
kalali added a comment to T28777: Resetting Standard Multi Widget preferences leads to other colors than the default ones.

Regarding the delayed update of the Image Navigator I decided to leave it as is as it is as minor as it can be but would require major code changes. My first idea was to react on OnPreferencedChanged() in the view but this is only triggered for preferences associated with the view, not the preferences of the standard multi widget.

Apr 26 2022, 1:29 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Pushed new branch to rMPT MITK-ProjectTemplate: release/T29138-v2022.04.

Apr 26 2022, 9:29 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a project to T29138: MITK v2022.04: MITK-ProjectTemplate.
Apr 26 2022, 9:28 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk added a comment to T29138: MITK v2022.04.

Pushed new branch to rMITK MITK: release/T29138-v2022.04.

Apr 26 2022, 9:25 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)
kislinsk triaged T29138: MITK v2022.04 as Normal priority.
Apr 26 2022, 9:23 AM · MITK-ProjectTemplate, MITK (v2022.04)

Apr 25 2022

kalali added a revision to T29110: [Segmentation] Optimize new segmentation view: Restricted Differential Revision.
Apr 25 2022, 10:50 PM · MITK (v2022.10)
kalali added projects to T29110: [Segmentation] Optimize new segmentation view: MITK (v2022.04), Checklist.
Apr 25 2022, 5:13 PM · MITK (v2022.10)
kalali updated subscribers of T29088: [Checklist] 3D Segmentation - Checklist and MITK UI Inconsistencies.

@a178n Maybe we need to add the hint that an additional tool icon is available for nnUNet for non-windows user?

Apr 25 2022, 5:11 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
kalali reassigned T29088: [Checklist] 3D Segmentation - Checklist and MITK UI Inconsistencies from s349i to m907r.
Apr 25 2022, 5:09 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
kalali added a comment to T29077: [Segmentation] Showing / hiding labels using the labelsetwidget selects them.

We found a solution to make the highlighting consistent with the active label state.

Apr 25 2022, 12:10 PM · MITK (v2023.04), Checklist
m907r closed T29136: [Segmentation] Update segmentation plugin documentation images as Resolved.
Apr 25 2022, 12:07 PM · MITK (v2022.04)
kalali closed T29077: [Segmentation] Showing / hiding labels using the labelsetwidget selects them as Resolved.
Apr 25 2022, 12:05 PM · MITK (v2023.04), Checklist
m907r added a revision to T29136: [Segmentation] Update segmentation plugin documentation images: Restricted Differential Revision.
Apr 25 2022, 11:54 AM · MITK (v2022.04)
m907r triaged T29136: [Segmentation] Update segmentation plugin documentation images as Normal priority.
Apr 25 2022, 11:41 AM · MITK (v2022.04)
m907r created T29136: [Segmentation] Update segmentation plugin documentation images.
Apr 25 2022, 11:41 AM · MITK (v2022.04)

Apr 24 2022

kislinsk closed T29079: [Segmentation] Test tools on different anatomical planes, a subtask of T28479: [Segmentation] Rethink / reevaluate our existing segmentation tools / algorithms, as Resolved.
Apr 24 2022, 9:30 PM · MITK (v2024.12)
kislinsk closed T29079: [Segmentation] Test tools on different anatomical planes as Resolved.

This task is resolved in the current release branch.

Apr 24 2022, 9:30 PM · Checklist, MITK (v2022.04)

Apr 21 2022

m907r closed T29088: [Checklist] 3D Segmentation - Checklist and MITK UI Inconsistencies as Resolved.

I updated the image and removed the numbers (like Stefan proposed in his comment).

Apr 21 2022, 4:58 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Checklist
kalali closed T27506: Extend checklists for segmentation view as Resolved.

We updated the checklists.

Apr 21 2022, 3:39 PM · MITK (v2022.04), Cleared
kalali closed T27506: Extend checklists for segmentation view, a subtask of T28108: [Release Checklists] Prepare release checklists, as Resolved.
Apr 21 2022, 3:39 PM · MITK
kalali claimed T28978: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Create segmentation action always creates a dynamic segmentation.

I added a fix for this by using the same approach as in the segmentation view.
However, the reason for this class is unclear to me: It is only used for the data manager context menu and allows to quickly create a new, empty segmentation child node. It's basically the same as clicking the button in the segmentation view so for me it doesn't add anything and could be removed.

Apr 21 2022, 2:46 PM · MITK (v2022.10)
kalali added a revision to T28978: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Create segmentation action always creates a dynamic segmentation: Restricted Differential Revision.
Apr 21 2022, 2:45 PM · MITK (v2022.10)