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- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (440 w, 2 d)
Aug 2 2016
[e256a2]: Merge branch 'bug-15086-volumerendering-multithreading'
Merged commits:
2013-05-08 16:22:41 Markus Fangerau [0982a0]
fixed multithreading issue
New remote branch pushed: bug-15086-volumerendering-multithreading
Yes, makes parsing at lot easier. And its extendable with the ISO UTC timezone offset when required.
Hi Oliver,
Fixed in T8165
Following includes are required to compile the statements in the previous comment:
New remote branch pushed: bug-14294-mes-devbase4-osx109
Reopenend for preliminary Desktop client fixed.
Will be soon upgraded to the new MITK release.
(In reply to comment #2)
Updating target milestone to upcoming release
Profiled the GPU volumerenderer with the OpenGL Profiler from the mac graphic tools. The profiler only gives a stackoverview of the called functions but not the corresponding runtime or where they are called. The statistics tools shows that all the runtime is spend during the rendering phase (CGLFlushDrawable). Right now we have no clue wheres's bootleneck.
Fixed the update Bug.
New remote branch pushed: bug-13799-whiteWidget
[b24044]: Merge branch 'bug-13799-whiteWidget'
Merged commits:
2012-12-05 15:39:45 Markus Fangerau [fd3da0]
fixed missing update of 2d renderwindows in 3d geometrymapper
Turning off visiblity is not expected to automatically reset the world geometry. Or it is required as an feature?
Christian, any idea here?
Loading 2D - DICOM images works in current master after the various DicomReader fixes made by Daniel.
Still to check if it also happens with VTK 5.10 first.
[97a3d7]: Merge branch 'bug-12824-rendering-test-fail'
Merged commits:
2013-01-30 16:31:03 Sandy Engelhardt [95aae9]
Fixing Rendering Test bug by switching off double buffer
Not possible anymore in this release, deferring to next release.
Still investigating... Wont make it in this release due to complex lighting problems
Hi Christian,
[1e9ab2]: Merge branch 'bug-11130-StringsFromInvalidChars'
Merged commits:
2012-03-22 10:01:16 Markus Fangerau [b062d7]
COMP: When getting inexisting tags from the scanner, it returns invalid char pointers. Trying to generate strings from these pointers wereissueing wrong assertions, causing the tests to fail under windows.
Put some people, that may be interested in DICOM testing, on CC list.
Since rendering tests became stable, we could use them verify proper loading a "chosen" set of images from a network server.
In our current implementation, the openGL context is in a clean state after our custom GL rendering.
New remote branch pushed: bug-8165-mastermerge3
The application is a "small tool", a command line version of the server using no QT, only MITK and MES.
[SVN revision 27232]
FIX (#5915): found a workaround for the black rendering, seems a standard gl uniform is not transferred to the shader, just using a white light now, works for MITK
[SVN revision 27230]
COMP (#5915): an essential method was also suppressed on VTK 5.4 #ifdefs/#endif
[SVN revision 27234]
FIX (#5915): improved lighting a little
[SVN revision 27693]
FIX (#5917): fixed wrong enabled mbilog debug messages
[SVN revision 27226]
FIX (#5915): fixed error message in mapper / however it still renders black on some ati card
[SVN revision 26575]
FIX (#5607): fix vtk OpenGLTextureMapper3D
[SVN revision 26644]
ENH (#5134): FiberTrackts now represented as dtiFiberSpatialObjects
[SVN revision 26389]
ENH (#5134): visualisation of fiber-spline-tubes
[SVN revision 26394]
COMP (#5134): fix warnings, comparison between signed and unsigned integer values
[SVN revision 26393]
COMP (#5134): fix warnings, comparison between signed and unsigned integer values
[SVN revision 25611]
COMP (#5134): fix warnings; changed order of variables in headerfile concerning to init order in cppfile
[SVN revision 25608]
COMP (#5134): fix warnings; changed order of variables in headerfile concerning to init order in cppfile
[SVN revision 25599]
COMP (#5134): fix of SIZE_T declaration. SIZE_T changed to int
[SVN revision 25582]
COMP (#5134): commented Error
[SVN revision 25581]
FIX (#5134): initial commit of bundle and itk-algorithm
[SVN revision 26391]
COMP (#5134): fix, fiberTrackingView header info
[SVN revision 25607]
COMP (#5134): fix warnings; changed order of variables in headerfile concerning to init order in cppfile
[SVN revision 26655]
COMP (#5046): #ifdef for VTK 5.6 dependant code
[SVN revision 26656]
COMP (#5046): fixed warning for the #ifdef for VTK 5.6 dependant code
[SVN revision 26657]
FIX (#5046): nur test commit
[SVN revision 26654]
ENH (#5046): cpu/gpu mip, performance improvements, bugfixes, better lod
bug no longer relevant, if the binary property exists, the heuristic is avoided.
What means coronal, red/green/blue level, set into fore/background?
Please add screenshots
The templated method mitk::PropertyList::GetPropertyValue<T> does not work,
cause it is based on GenericProperty<T>, which doesnt work correctly on Macs due to a compiler bug. Please see my comments on T3893 for details.
disabling testing of the non-working templated method on macs
disabling testing of the non-working templated method on macs
I assume the bug lies somewhere in the gcc-toolchain on the Mac.
this patch fixes this bug and 3895.
patch for making propertylist run on macs
[SVN revision 26496]
COMP (#3893): added missing include
patch for making propertylist run on macs
[SVN revision 22132]
FIX (#3577): fixed FindFile searchorder
Above the bug number is wrong! Have a look at T3289...
We need a core modifcation for this Bug.
Ich denke folgendes Fehlverhalten ist auch ein Bug in den Moduldependencies:
sorry, we forgot to commit the fixed layout,
will be done when dashboard becomes green again
The volume visualization bundle uses the double slider from the qxt package,
which was introduced for the Mitk3M3 application.
[SVN revision 21570]
FIX (#3352): iil4mitk support for lookuptables with alpha
the imageMapper2D sets for rendering iil4mitk mode to COLOR_ALPHA with lookuptable.
hi xplanes,
We think this one is not 1.0 relvant because we cannot reproduce this with our Qt based RenderWindows.
Step3 (the one using voluming rendering)
i'll write the "manual" for the colourimageprocessing bundle,
its only a test bundle meant for application developers for creating combining RGBA images.
In last commit, the speedup was achieved trough:
[SVN revision 20971]
FIX (#3216): volume mapper speedup
the modifications for separate diffuse and ambient colors are already committed,
[SVN revision 21351]
COMP (#3194): typename
[SVN revision 21349]
ENH (#3194): RGBA image processing
[SVN revision 21350]
COMP (#3194): linux
next commit will contain a bundle for converting ct images with a transferfunction to a RGBA image.
finally, in revision 21408 the material property has been removed.
[SVN revision 21519]
COMP (#3182): test method already defined